Thank you for stopping by the official website of the Beta Chapter of La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. We are an organization that was founded to provide a resource for underrepresented groups of individuals at colleges and universities across the nation. As advocates for change, intelligence, knowledge, and community, we stay true to the pledge we've made, to assist our people in every possible way. We were founded on May 3, 1986 at the State University of New York at Binghamtom.

We are a community service based organization that is Latino inspired, but not Latino exclusive. Our foundation is built on friendships, brotherhood, and hospitality. We hope you enjoy your visit.

La Unidad Para Siempre!
Los Imprescindibles Hermanos de La Unidad Latina,
Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Incorporated
Lambda Facts
La Unidad Latina is a Latino-based, multi-ethnic, non profit community service organization with an extremely diverse and rich membership. Learn more about interesting fraternity facts, general information, notable Hermanos and frequently asked questions in this section.

National News
Read La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda, Fraternity Inc.'s Press Releases and current national news. From serving our community to notable Hermanos, this section highlights some of our national accomplishments as well.

Beta History
On May 3, 1986, the Beta Chapter of La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc. was established at the State University of New York at Binghamton. The Beta Chapter introduced a new concept to the Hermandad...
